In the shadow of the Israel-Hamas war, Iran steps up its nuclear program

Le Figaro

"Kasra Aarabi, Director of IRGC Research at the UANI and former adviser to Tony Blair, describes this phenomenon as a "dumbification" of the regime, with promotions based solely on ideology. On the international stage, the United States appears to have reduced its presence and influence, which Aarabi said coincides with a weakening of its deterrent power in the Middle East. This situation is all the more critical as Iran is supported by Russia, with whom it has established a strategic relationship, exchanging technology and intelligence, and even engaging in the supply of military equipment to support Russian efforts in Ukraine. The Biden administration, rather reluctant to respond to Iranian provocations, has been criticized for its initial attempt to block a United Nations resolution to remind Iran of its commitments. This cautious posture by the United States is seen as a disengagement that could encourage the Iranian regime to pursue its nuclear ambitions."