UANI Applauds Sanctions on Tanker Captains Behind Illicit Iranian Oil Shipments

(New York, NY) – Ambassador Mark D. Wallace released the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s sanctions on individuals, entities, and vessels involved in the illicit transport of oil for the network of Houthi financial facilitator Sa’id al-Jamal. 

“UANI commends the Biden administration for taking action to designate a key cog in the Iranian oil smuggling machine – the ghost armada captains. We have consistently called for action against those captains who continue to oversee the smuggling of oil and refuse lawful instructions to direct their vessels to appropriate authorities for interdiction. We know each and every one of these captains. They face a choice to cease smuggling and cooperate with lawful authorities or face sanction designation. 

“The recent designation of tanker captains like Vivek Ashok Pandey and Sandeep Singh Choudhary, along with others involved in these networks, is a significant step forward in holding accountable those who are essential to the smuggling of Iranian oil. There is no ghost armada without these captains. These individuals are not mere bystanders; they are active participants in schemes designed to circumvent sanctions. As of today, they are now Specially Designated Global Terrorists.

“However, more must be done to disrupt these networks. Our message is clear: We know who you are, and we will not rest until all facilitators of the Iranian regime’s  terrorist activities are held accountable.” 

To read UANI’s The Ghost Armada resource, please click here