
MCT Brattberg AB


MCT Brattberg features on the official Iranian vendor website, “VList” – the ‘petroleum and energy vendor source search engine of I.R. Iran’.”


"As stated in my email to you on the 29th of September 2021, MCT Brattberg is following the development in Iran, and we can confirm that we have had NO and will NOT have any trades with Iran as long as the sanctions still are ongoing. The below explanation was also provided to you in my email from the 29th of September 2021 and is still valid. Why MCT Brattberg is on Iranian companies “approved vendor” list can only depend on previous trades made before the sanctions was established. These trades were made by at that time a MCT Brattberg representative, ESPAK. We reminded ESPAK in 2019 that they were no longer a representative of MCT Brattberg, and this information was at that time shared with you, as per attached PDF, two pages." (September 12, 2023)