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According to its website: "We and our partners by our own international network of experts and sales managers have an access to the oilfield service markets of Oman, Iran, Bahrain, Kuwait, the UAE, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Sudan." 


"Such tunneling conferences, held regularly in Tehran, draw global manufacturers of tunnel-boring machines — giant devices as big as locomotives that dig quickly through rocky strata. Terratec, an Australian maker, noted early last year that Iran had recently become 'one of the most active markets in the world.'" (The New York Times, "Iran Shielding Its Nuclear Efforts in a Maze of Tunnels," 1/6/09)


"TERRATEC will for the first time be exhibiting at the 8th Iranian Tunnelling Conference, an international forum on latest technologies in the construction of tunnels and underground spaces. The conference will be held in Tehran, Iran from May 18th to May 20th, 2009.

TERRATEC aims to take a proactive role in the conference by exchange of knowledge and information on how to develop underground spaces with environmental considerations.

Iran has become recently one of the most active markets in the world in terms of tunnelling and mining development, and TERRATEC endeavours to provide Iranian Customers with our expertise and technology developed in Australia and already exported to many other countries worldwide.

We would like to invite those attending the conference to visit us at our booth. We look forward to meeting you there." (Company Website, "TERRATEC at 8th Iranian Tunnelling Conference," 2/18/09)